Sunday, December 10, 2017

Steady Hand & Open Heart is headed for a book!

Steady Hands & Open Hearts is headed for a book!
I've had such positive feedback about my column - "A Steady Hand & An Open Heart" - at InDepthNH ( . . thank you!

As a result of the column a lot of folks have told me that they want to know more about my views on where we are as a nation and where we need to go to reinvigorate and perhaps even reinvent the American idea. They've encouraged me to write a book based on the foundation established in the column. So, I'm moving forward on doing just that. I

Here are some of the ways you can do engage with me in the process.

Join our email family. The best way to follow the process of writing this book and to have first shot at any special offers, is to join our email family. I'll send you an ocassional email just to let you know the process is going and to share some of my thoughts with you.

I give you my word that I will not flood your inbox with email, instead, I will send you brief updates including some excerpts from time to time, join the email list here:

SteadyHandsOpenHearts Facebook Page. If Facebook is the place where you go to keep up on your world, we've set up a page there. Follow us here:

Steady Hands & Open Hearts Blog. Hey, you're here now! A Blog is often the best way to provide information that lets readers dig a little deeper into the subject. Check it out and see if its true.

Holiday Gifts - Images and products

Holiday Gifts - Images and products created with my images available here: First Snow o...