Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Future of Work - The Gig Economy is Here to Stay

The Gig economy is the term on the tip of the tongues of commentators and analysts these days. It’s a very broad term that describes both the increasing tendency of employers to hire independent contractors and short term workers rather than add new full time employees, and their accompanying taxes and benefits, to their workforce. It also describes a range of individuals who, by choice or necessity, build an income around work that is self-directed and without both the benefits and the downsides of a traditional job. A gig job may be a sole source of  income or performed in addition to a traditional job that doesn’t generate the income necessary to either the needs or the financial aspirations of the person involved.

The Gig Economy may seem to be a new phenomenon to many, but to folks who live in the shadow of Rattlesnake Ridge it’s been a way of life for a long time. When my friend Micky Lewis, whom you’ve met in this column before, delivers wood to my home in the middle of the winter, between snow plowing gigs, he’s supplementing work as a contractor that comes and goes with the vagaries of the economy and the real estate market among other variables. Now this is the life that Micky has chosen, but for many such work comes as a necessity. The trade off that many of us made to live here is that well paying jobs tend to be less available here.

So now the phenomenon has spread throughout the economy and we have a name for it, possibly named from the well known phrase “I’ve got a side gig doing . . .you finish the sentence”.  

The Gig Economy is not well defined. In fact, to date, no formal definition has been established even for the terms “Gig Economy” or “Gig Worker”. Furthermore, statistical information that really measures the number of people engaged in the gig economy is nowhere near the level of sophistication as those who are employed in the full time labor market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has stubbornly clung to measuring three things: “Farm employment, non-farm employment and employers, there just aren’t that many gradations for job categories beyond that except by industry” according to the most comprehensive research on gig jobs I have found at (see below).  

There are some understandable reasons for this. After all we are trying to measure not only those who make their entire living putting together gigs, both online and offline, as well as the people who have a job but supplement it with gig jobs; and those who label themselves consultants. In an effort to attempt to get a handle on this part of our economy the GAO issued a report in 2014 and could not decide whether the portion of workers that BLS defined as “Contingent Workers” represented 5% or 40% of the workforce.  It is estimated that as much as 90% of the jobs added since 2015, encompassing all three of these, have been gig jobs. 47% of Millenials, who make up the largest portion of the workforce, according to surveys are engaged in some level of freelance work.

A few other instructive bits of data are worth considering:

  1. According to Forbes Magazine, since 2000, 1099s have gone up 22%, while the traditional W-2 forms have stagnated.
  2. Some researchers project that half of the working U.S. population will move into the gig economy within the next five years.

Among the trends nationally that will have the greatest impact on the number of people in the Gig economy is the alignment of small business growth and Gig Economy growth. These days when most people think of the Gig Economy they think of big companies like Uber, Lyft, AirBNB, etc. but one of the fastest growing area of Gig Job growth is new and expanding small businesses who find it easier and more affordable to hire freelance workers than to add individuals to their payroll. This is partly due to costs but it is also caused by a new trend in business with jobs being broken down into component parts with the work divided between technological solutions (robots, software, etc.) and freelance workers for specific tasks that cannot yet be solved employing technological solutions.   

All of the trend lines indicate that the Gig Economy is here to stay. It will bring massive change, massive opportunity and massive disruption to the economy and our lives, making it both exciting and dangerous, particularly when combined with another trend in business, exchanging technology for labor. Most economists, futurists and other prognosticators predict that by 2020 almost half of the entire labor force in the US will be employed within the Gig Economy. That’s the same year, by the way that many say we will begin to see massive disruption in the largest source of individual employment, drivers as driverless trucks and automobiles begin the process of what very well may become a driverless society by 2050.

Now, the good news and the bad news. First, most people who are employed in some way in the gig economy indicate a high degree of satisfaction. Varying polls show a satisfaction rate of as much as 75%. They enjoy the flexibility and the freedom that it provides for them.

The bad news is that almost all of the people employed in the Gig Economy are within the middle class strata of society. Very few of the working class and poor, whom I have referred to as the Precariat, are currently engaged in this sector of the economy. Where there is massive income disparity between the wealthy and everyone else already, this threatens to make the problem even worse.

Furthermore most jobs within the Gig Economy have no benefits and therefore fall outside of the social safety net that we have constructed since the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, Trump Tweets, the Republicans hide and the Democrats are gleefully looking to 2018 without a clue of what they will do - other than to hold impeachment hearings -  if they take over the control of the House and/or the Senate. Granted, the Democrats have no power within the government but they could be setting an example by telling us what they would do if they did. It may be that their relationship with labor - which in fairness was largely responsible for building the middle class in this country - has paralyzed them. Labor has already been through a dramatic decline in America and they are fighting to maintain their clout. The Gig economy represents an existential crisis for them.  Unless the labor movement comes up with some new approaches to organizing, their days are numbered.

Here’s the problem in a nutshell, while we have moved to Workforce 2.0 in the global economy our governance is still stuck in Democracy 1.0 and Capitalism 1.0 and that is a real and growing problem. If I were advising an insurgent Republican candidate or an Independent Candidate for President I’d tell him or her to adopt a radical centrist agenda that spoke to the greatest threats to American economic stability and democracy. Go BIG or Go Home as they say.  It would take a whole lot of guts and it would be a high risk strategy. It might also be the first real step toward righting the ship of state and saving both capitalism and democracy.


About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three term State Senator, he was the 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor and most recently the CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., a public company in the environmental cleanup space.  His art is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images. His most recent novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline, has been published on He lives in Rumney at the base of Rattlesnake Ridge and proudly flies both the American and Iroquois Flags. His website is:

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Lessons from the March for Our Lives and the Scottish Parliament - Time to Give 16 and 17-Year-Olds the Right to Vote

Ruminations from an Unabashed Optimist, an Environmental Patriot and a Radical Centrist

Here in the shadow of Rattlesnake Ridge we’ve been treating 16 and 17-year-olds as adults for a long time. Rural life sometimes works that way. Especially now when changes in the world of work present such disruptive challenges to families and individuals.

Just up the road from us one particular family we know is one example. Dad walked out and left Mom and five kids to fend for themselves. He had done pretty well for himself and he could have helped his family but he chose not to and Mom could not afford the “luxury” of hiring an attorney to press her case. So the rule in this household was that if you were 16 or older, you worked and contributed to the cost of the mortgage, food and fuel. If you think this is an unusual circumstance, you need to get out more. A lot of families, especially those within the precariat, find this a necessary avenue to financial survival.

The truth is that we expect more and more of our young people once they reach the age of 16 and more and more of the legislation that winds its way through state and federal governments impacts their lives - when they have little power to affect it.

In my last "View from Rattlesnake Ridge" column ( ) I suggested as an afterthought that we should lower the voting age to 16, but then I watched as a group of mostly 16 and 17-year-olds orchestrated the largest peaceful protest in American and World history with “The March for Our Lives” and now I want to put it right up front: It's time to give 16 & 17-year-old Americans the right to vote. Although a large number of politicians and “Adults” vied for the opportunity to address the crowd of more than 800,000 people on the Mall in Washington, the students who organized the march made it clear that this was going to be their moment, and it WAS. I stood and watched as these students demonstrated a sense of civic involvement far greater than most of their elders.

Life has changed and in an Age of Accelerations - a term coined by Thomas Friedman - we should, at a minimum, begin debating the merits of allowing 16 and 17-year-olds to vote. When a 16-year-old is accused of a violent crime they are, almost without exception, treated as an adult. We place no restrictions at all on the number of hours they may work. In most states they are allowed to marry - though from experience I wish they wouldn’t.

A wealth of research on the difference between the mental faculties of 16 and 17-year-olds and those of their “elders”, even the only-slightly older ones, provides evidence that the 16 and 17-year-olds are just as capable of making informed decisions as their 18-21-year-old peers. Even more interesting is that research shows that 16 and 17-year-olds are much more likely to participate in the democratic process than those between the ages of 18-25.

In 2011 Norway decided to test allowing 16 and 17-year-olds to vote. They found that participation (voting) among the 16 and 17 year-olds was closer to the average of adults 40-60 and well ahead of the numbers for those between the ages of 18 and 25. According to a University of Vienna study, a similar experiment in Austria yielded similar results. Both of these countries now allow 16 and 17 year-olds to vote.

Now there are probably a lot of reasons for this differential, not the least of which is that 18 to 25-year-olds are in the most turbulent time of their lives with changes coming at them at the speed of light, but the fact remains that where ever genuine social science has been done on this issue 16 and 17-year-olds come out on top.

According to Zachary Crockett, who has done some of the most compelling research for VOX, the reason that 16 is a preferable age for allowing young people to vote (my characterization - not his) is that 16 and 17 are better ages for forming civic habits than 18. 16 and 17-year-olds are in High School and most are living in homes that provide them with a reasonable level of security. According to Crockett: “Entrenched both in familial and institutional support groups, 16-year-olds are in a better place to form long-lasting voting habits than 18-year-olds — but only if the right to vote is accompanied by a robust civics education.”

This civics education can be delivered by schools - which is essential in my opinion - or by engagement with civically minded peers and adults - both of which were true of the students who are driving the the “March for Our Lives” and its outgrowth the “Never Again” movement. It is also what moved the Parliament of Scotland to UNANIMOUSLY vote to give 16 and 17 year-olds the right to vote after testing it with the recent vote on Independence.

The voting age nationally is 18 but the US constitution was crafted to (wisely) leave the age of voting to the states. Some states are experimenting with allowing younger voters to participate in caucuses and local elections. Perhaps the movement to allow 16 and 17 year-olds the right to vote will be driven by the states and not the lugubrious Federal Government that we have now. But that is a matter for another column . . . or several other ones.

For now, I for one am going to become an outspoken advocate for giving 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote.

If you’d like to join in - or even to cast your vote for the other side, weigh in at #Let16Vote.

#Precariat, #TheRadicalCentrist, #marchforourlives, #NeverAgain

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three term State Senator, he was the 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor and most recently the CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., a public company in the environmental cleanup space.  His art is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images. His most recent novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline, has been published on He lives in Rumney at the base of Rattlesnake Ridge and proudly flies both the American and Iroquois Flags. His website is:

Democracy 2.0

This week's View from Rattlesnake Ridge

Democracy 2.0

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